Monday, October 11, 2004

oh well, i may be too concerned over my own probs. but indeed, i think 1e4 is "dropping"..
people, overcome our problems kays! there's sure a way out for us.
we needa stay strong, for the sake of ourselves, for the sake of 1e4.
1e4 needs us. 1e4 cannot jus drop due to internal threat yea? nt worth it.

hey people who still cares about 1e4, do remind people to blog at e4 blog, or at least take a look at it. E4 has got the power to cheer people up, at least, cheer 1e4 people UP rite? nt down... duh? haha. cheer upz people!

determination can construct a new path of road in your life when you may think it's an end!

anyway, i considered exam OVER. lolx. CME, nt-able-to-fail-subject. so juz happy-go-luckY!
i hereby wish everyone goodluck and pass their exams with FLYING COLOURS! woohoo~!
dun let problems pull us and 1e4 down kaes? 1e4 still have a long way to go and promote to 2e4. *winks*
